Tone FAQs

Tone is a noninvasive hands-free muscle toning treatment. Special applicators emit a gentle current that stimulate the targeted areas that it touches. Those treated muscles contract and relax repeatedly during the treatment. The muscle contractions build muscle and help reduce fat in the surrounding areas. With Tone you can build muscle and lose fat , all while lying comfortably on your back.

Tone is usually painless but patients can definitely feel the muscle work. The intensity of treatment can be adjusted to your comfort level.

Tone is most commonly used to treat the abdomen, but is also helpful for the buttocks, thighs, arms and flanks.

Tone sessions last 20 to 30 minutes.

Tone can be done as often as twice weekly, offering the fastest results. Results can begin to be apparent after as few as 2 sessions.

Our recommended series of 6 sessions usually does not need to be repeated within the first 6 months. Like with any muscle building program, maintenance treatment may be recommended monthly to preserve the initial results.

Tone has been FDA approved to treat the rectus muscle separation (rectus diatheses) seen after pregnancy and childbirth. Tone can be used to tighten and lift the buttocks, slim the flank area and help with arm and thigh definition. Interestingly Tone treatment of the abdominal wall can help with pelvic floor function, improving bladder control and pelvic floor function.

Finally Tone can treat the muscle loss (sarcopenia) that can happen with medical weight loss with the new GLP-1 medications. In our semaglutide and tirzepatide weight loss programs (“Fat Buster”) we sometimes see muscle loss slow down or stop actual weight loss.

We sometimes recommend Tone to get the weight off and help keep it off!

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